Public Forum on Thermal Technology for Waste Management in Metropolises, to be held at the Convention and Exhibition Centre on May 7 2013.
ENB’s Incinerator Marketing Department roadshow list
Professor Nickolas Themelis, chair, Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council, US
Mr Prof Nikolas Themelis who formed and chairs Wtert. Check out their sponsors at Wtert. follow the money
When you have incineration companies as your sponsors it dictates what you write, n’est-ce pas ?
Bristol Resource Recovery Facility (Bristol, CT., U.S.)
§ BRRFOC/TROC meets the waste disposal and recycling needs of 16 member towns across Connecticut. Everyday, the Bristol WTE facility transforms 600 tons of municipal solid waste to 16.3 megawatts of renewable energy that powers local homes and businesses, metals, and ash.
COVANTA ENERGY (Morristown, NJ., U.S.)
- Covanta Energy is the largest waste-to-energy company in the U.S. It operates 44 WTE plants mostly in the U.S. and Canada, twenty other energy generation facilities, and other waste management businesses, such as recycling of used electronics. Many of the WTE plants are owned by Covanta while the rest are operated under contract with various municipalities. In total, Covanta processes the municipal solid wastes of about 30 million people and produces nine million megawatt-hours of electricity annually, which corresponds to about 8% of the U.S. renewable energy, excluding hydropower.
Energy Answers International (Albany, NY., U.S.)
§ Energy Answer is the company that designed and built the very successful SEMASS (SouthEast MASS) WTE that processes one million tons of MSW from many municipalities, from South Boston to the entire Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard. Its mission is to produce energy and recover metals economically from solid wastes, as well as promote environmental education, and improve the communities in which the company operates
HDR Engineering (White Plains, NY., U.S.)
§ HDR is a large engineering company dedicated to “green” engineering. The company has a long list of projects that integrated waste-to-energy into a comprehensive waste management program, from siting new facilities to gaining public support for major infrastructure projects. HDR helps its clients to develop an understanding of waste-to-energy as part of an integrated waste management system that will transform post-recycling materials into renewable energy and metals
Hitachi Zosen Inova (U.S.A)
§ The Von Roll moving grate technology is one of the most widely used around the world. The motto “Waste is our energy!” describes the global vision of Hitachi Zosen Inova,(HSI) formerly known as Von Roll Inova, of treating waste thermally and recovering the energy and metals it contains. The Von Roll technology has been used for over 75 years and is the technology used in many Wheelabrator WTE facilities in the U.S. . Hitachi Sozen Inova are among the few suppliers of WTE technology WTE suppliers who carry an active R&D program and have helped advance this technology in recent decades. Mr. Peter Chromec, C.E.O of HIS U.S.A, was a contributing author in the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology (Springer publishing, 2012).
Martin GmbH (Munich, Germany)
§ Martin GmbH is a company exclusively dedicated to the development and design of furnaces for processing municipal solid wastes and recovering the stored chemical energy in the form of electricity and heat. As of 2011, the moving grate technologies were used in nearly 720 WTE furnaces around the world.
Materials and Energy Recovery (MER) Division of AMSE (New York, NY., U.S.)
§ In 2009, the formerly known as the Solid Waste Processing Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), was renamed to Materials and Energy Recovery (MER), in order to better express the Division’s mission of serving and advancing technologies for the recovery of materials (recycling) and energy (WTE) from solid “wastes”. MER is co-sponsor of the annual North American Waste to Energy Conference (NAWTEC) and co-organizer, with IT3 and WTERT, of a bi-annual conference on thermal treating technologies; the first one will be held in the fall of 2013
Wheelabrator Technologies Inc. (Hampton, NH., U.S.)
Wheelabrator Technologies is the second largest WTE company in the U.S. and built the first modern technology WTE in Saugus, Massachusetts, in 1975. Wheelabrator is a wholly owned company of Waste Management Inc. and operates 17 waste-to-energy facilities and five independent power plants, processing about seven million tons of MSW annually and providing electricity to nearly one million households.
Professor Umberto Arena, chair, Specialist Group on Waste to Energy, IWWG, Second University of Naples
an academic waste expert from Naples, a city which has accepted a zero waste strategy and doing away with incinerators, amongst 117 other like Italian municipalities.
this BBC article is of ironic interest, seeing how HK Government’s ENB seeks to have an Italian expert on incineration/waste to energy from Naples on its upcoming incinerator-bonfire promotional panel.
Dr Lee Potts from AECOM, HKG Govt paid consultants for the proposed incinerator
a company that is to design – build – operate a gasification plant in UK
and whose American subsidiary arm has embraced and recommended plasma gasification,
“The site AFE has chosen for this project is well suited for this facility”, said Mike Zebell P.E. of AECOM (NYSE:ACM), a Fortune 500 company serving clients in more than 100 countries and a global provider of professional technical, environmental and management support services. “We believe that this technology is not only environmentally friendly but ready for large-scale commercialization. We are excited to partner with an entrepreneurial firm like AFE, one of the industries leading developers focused on building environmentally responsible energy projects using plasma gasification technology.”
AECOM quote.
A fourth member of ENB’s incineration promotion panel is
Mr. Peter Simoes, technical director, Afval Energie Bedrijf, the Netherlands.
find herewith a self-explanatory news article from the Guardian newspaper listing Afval Energie Bedriff and a download link on the article page which when accessed shows this company as the 484th most polluting organisation in Europe.
The 5th member whose University department is a beneficiary of numerous EPD HKG project fundings:
Jonathan Wong
Legco Submission CB(1) 1386/11-12(12 Selection of Thermal Technology: Incineration vs Gasification Prof. Jonathan Wong Director Sino-Forest Applied Research Centre for Pearl Delta Environment Hong Kong Baptist University Submission to Panel of Environmental Affairs, Legislative Council “Reduce, Recycle and Proper Waste Management“: Progress of the Key Initiatives under the Waste Management Strategy
Dated 18–03-2012
His Quote:
“Independently–verified emissions tests indicate that environmental performance is one of the greatest strengths of gasification technology; however, as Arena et al. (2012) suggested, in the aggressive working environment of MSW management, with its uncompromising demand for reasonable cost, high reliability and operational flexibility, it could be premature to indicate the gasification as the thermal processing strategy of the future or even as a strong competitor for combustion systems, at least for any size of WtE plants. In view of the limitation of gasification and the practically absence of large scale commercial operation of over 1000 tonnes per day gasification operation in this world, it is not recommended to consider gasification as the thermal technology to be adopted as the core technology for the future Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF).”
Versus irrefutable FACT:
“Air Products is to build a second 350,000 tonne per year waste to energy plasma gasification facility on Teesside following the signing of a 20 year power purchase agreement with
the UK government’s Cabinet Office” (CTA -=959 tonnes per day)
“EARLY START PLANNED FOR ENERGY PLANT WORK could start on a second Teesside energy-from-waste plant within a few months, bosses at Air Products have confirmed.”
British Airways MSW to Biofuel plant already under construction in London UK (550,000 tonnes per annum / 1,507 tonnes per day)
Ten major international airlines sign with Solena Fuels for carbon neutral bio jet fuel from MSW biomass.
Recycling Waste Into Biofuel American Airlines has signed a letter of intent with Solena Fuels and is negotiating an agreement along with other major U.S. carriers to purchase biofuel made from recycled waste. This new biomass fuel source would be used on flights from San Francisco Bay Area airports including Oakland, San Jose and San Francisco. Solena’s Northern California biomass-to-liquids plant will produce up to 16 million gallons of jet fuel per year from 550,000 tons of recycled agricultural and urban waste.
Solena, SAS partner for aviation biofuels project at Stockholm Airport
Solena and SAS announced a partnership to develop a waste-to-jet fuel project at Arlanda Airport in Stockholm, with a goal of establishing similar projects in Denmark and Norway.
Solena Fuels sets biojet facility construction plan in motion
Solena Fuels expects to put in its planning application with the City of Gilroy for construction of its first biojet facility sometime within the coming year.
Alitalia signs with Solena for MSW-to-aviation fuels project
Alitalia has signed a deal with Solena—who is currently developing a biojet project with British Airways—to explore transforming MSW into biojet using the Fischer-Tropsch process
Qantas, Solena Group to partner in aviation biofuels effort
Qantas and Solena Group have announced that they expect to finalize a partnership in the next two weeks to determine the feasibility of a Fischer-Tropsch based biofuels plant in Australia that will produce aviation biofuels from waste
See attachments from Alter NRG manufacturers of plasma gasification operational units who deal in reality, not theory.
ENSR is a subsidiary of AECOM.
The Rushlight Awards are judged by an independent panel of recognized experts covering all clean technology sectors and drawn from academia, trade associations, government departments and specialist media. In particular, the judges included senior figures from DEFRA, the Institute of Chemical Engineers, the Institute of Environmental Sciences, DECC, WRAP, PERA, the Renewable Energy Association and the Carbon Trust, along with noted academics from the Universities of York, Newcastle, Nottingham, London, Edinburgh and Cranfield.
The trophy was presented to Chinook Sciences at the annual Rushlight Awards gala dinner on January 31 by Chris Murphy, Deputy Chief Executive of the CIWM (Chartered Institute of Waste Management) with the Minister State for Energy and Climate Change, Greg Barker in attendance.
40 MW Gasification Plant to Recycle ELV Shredder Fluff in Midlands
July 16th, 2012 A facility that will use gasification technology to recycle 350,000 tonnes of shredder residue from end-of-life vehicles and household appliances each year as well as generate 40 MW of electricity is being developed in the West Midlands by Innovative Environmental Solutions (IES).
Howard Winn
A forum on incineration
Incineration is a sensitive topic these days. The government has for the moment put on hold plans to build one on the island of Shek Kwu Chau near Lantau. There has been growing opposition around the world to traditional mass burn incinerators, which many see as a threat to the environment and public health. There are those who maintain that modern incinerators are safe. Others hold that plasma gasification is a cleaner technology and safer from a public health perspective. All this and more can be discussed at a Public Forum on Thermal Technology for Waste Management in Metropolises, which is being held at the Convention and Exhibition Centre on May 7.
It’s being organised by Professor Jonathan Wong the director of the unfortunately named Sino-Forest Applied Research Centre for Pearl River Delta Environment, at Baptist University. Sino-Forest, it will be recalled, is being investigated for fraud and filed for bankruptcy protection in Canada last year.
There will be a panel of five speakers: Professor Nickolas Themelis, chair, Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council, US; Professor Umberto Arena, chair, Specialist Group on Waste to Energy, IWWG, Second University of Naples; Peter Simoes, technical director, Afval Energie Bedrijf, the Netherlands; Dr Lee Potts, technical manager (energy) AECOM; and Elvis Au, assistant director of Hong Kong’s Environmental Protection Department.
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