Nov. 4, 2011
By 2015, about 80% of trucks serving the port will be required to have model year 2007 or newer engines.
The Port of Tacoma has introduced a voluntary programme in the Tacoma Tideflat offering truck owners a financial incentive to purchase newer, lower-emission trucks to improve air quality in the region.
The Truck Scrappage and Replacements for Air in Puget Sound (Tacoma ScRAPS) is part of the port’s Clean Truck programme which targets heavy-duty trucks with pre-1994 model year engines that operate in the Tacoma area.
Under the programme, eligible truck owners will receive a $30,000 incentive when they scrap their pre-1994 truck and purchase a new one with a model year 2007 engine or newer.
An incentive of $5,000 will also be offered to truck owners that scrap their pre-1994 truck and purchase a truck with a model year engine from 1994 to 2006.
Currently, trucks serving at port terminals are required to have model year 1994 or newer engines.
By 2015, about 80% of trucks serving the port will be required to have model year 2007 or newer engines.
The programme is operated through a partnership between the City of Tacoma and Cascade Sierra Solutions.
Truck owners interested in learning if they qualify for the programme can call (253) 617-3201 or visit the Tacoma ScRAPS office at 2002 Stewart St. in Tacoma on weekdays from 8:00am to 5pm.