Clear the Air looks forward to finding out who are the individuals from these organisations who accompanied Edward Yau on his current trip to Europe.
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Eddie Yau’s jolly to Europe at taxpayer expense – how big a suite did HE stay in ? how can Hong Kong benefit from his jolly ?

SEN to lead green tech mission to Europe (with photos)
The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, today (April 24) led a green tech mission on a visit to Europe. The mission seeks to exchange experience on the development and promotion of green technologies, identify opportunities for co-operation on various green initiatives, and promote the market for green technological and innovative solutions in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region.
The mission, consisting of 20 professionals and business representatives from 15 academic, quasi-government bodies and commercial organisations, will visit various cities in Sweden, Denmark, Scotland and England.
On his arrival in Stockholm, Sweden this morning, Mr Yau will first call on the State Secretary to Minister for the Environment, Mr Anders Flanking. Later, he will attend the Stockholm+40 Conference, which aims to bring the international community together to discuss sustainable development and its challenges. Mr Yau will address two sessions at the conference and will then proceed to Copenhagen, Denmark in the evening.
On Wednesday (April 25), Mr Yau and the mission will visit a recycling station and an incineration plant to learn about the city’s waste-to-energy technology. To identify opportunities for co-operation in green business, the party will attend a luncheon with top executives from various green organisations co-hosted by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London (HKETO London), Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Denmark-Hong Kong Trade Association.
During their stay in Copenhagen, the mission will attend a meeting with Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster to learn more about cleantech research, development and implementation. Mr Yau will then meet with the Danish Shipowners’ Association to hear more about the Fair Winds Charter. Mr Yau will also address a reception for the Danish business sector entitled “Hong Kong: the Gateway to Green Pearl River Delta”, co-hosted by the HKETO London and Denmark-Hong Kong Trade Association.
On Thursday (April 26), Mr Yau will proceed to Malmo in Sweden where he will begin with a breakfast meeting with the Mayor of Malmo, Mr Ilmar Reepalu. Mr Yau will then join the mission for a meeting with Malmo companies. In Lund he will call on the Mayor and President of the City Council, Ms Annika Annerby Jansson. He will also visit Lund University and listen to a presentation on two major research facilities that are seeking to achieve sustainable development. Afterwards, he will attend a luncheon hosted by the Mayor and Chairman of the City Executive Committee of Lund, Mr Mats Helmfrid.
Mr Yau will return to Copenhagen, Denmark in late afternoon to pay a courtesy call on the Chinese Ambassador to Denmark, Mr Li Ruiyu, and the Lord Mayor of Copenhagen, Mr Frank Jensen. He will leave for Edinburgh, Scotland in the evening.
On Friday (April 27), Mr Yau will call on the Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Scottish Government, Mr Stewart Stevenson. He will then join the mission on a visit to HydroThane UK and the North British Distillery Company Limited to learn how the link between the anaerobic digestion plant and the distillery creates a green energy source. The group will also tour the Biofuel Research Centre at Edinburgh Napier University and the Advanced Forming Research Centre at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow to learn more about their research work.
In Cambridge, England on April 30, Mr Yau and the delegates will visit the Cambridge Consultants and Ricardo at Cambridge Science Park and AmeyCespa – leading organisations in innovative product development, clean automotive technology and waste management. They will also attend a working roundtable hosted by Deloitte, one of the founders of Cambridge Cleantech.
On May 1, the party will attend a breakfast meeting hosted by Chatham House, an independent international affairs think-tank and membership organisation, and visit Transport for London to take a look at the new London bus, which uses the latest green diesel-electric hybrid technology. They will also take the opportunity to talk to the local business community about Hong Kong’s role as the gateway to the “green” Pearl River Delta during a luncheon hosted by HKETO London.
Mr Yau will leave London for Hong Kong in the evening.
Ends/Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Issued at HKT 11:46
SEN and green tech mission start visit to Denmark (with photos)
The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, and a green tech mission from Hong Kong started their visit to Denmark in Copenhagen today (April 25, Copenhagen time). While in Copenhagen they will take a look at the city’s advanced waste treatment technology and explore possibilities for co-operation in green business.
The mission first visited Amagerforbrænding, which runs Copenhagen’s largest incineration plant. They toured its recycling station and the incineration plant to learn more about the city’s waste treatment facilities and technology for generating energy from waste.
The mission will then attend a luncheon with top executives from various green organisations to identify opportunities for co-operation in green business. The luncheon is co-hosted by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (HKETO) in London, Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Denmark-Hong Kong Trade Association.
In the afternoon, the mission will meet representatives from Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster, where they will listen to presentations and conduct group discussions on various aspects relating to cleantech research, development and implementation. Mr Yau will also meet the Danish Shipowners’ Association to hear more about the Fair Winds Charter.
The mission will then attend a reception co-hosted by the HKETO London, Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Denmark-Hong Kong Trade Association for the Danish business sector. During the reception Mr Yau will give a presentation entitled “Hong Kong: the Gateway to Green Pearl River Delta” on green business opportunities available to international investors.
The mission will proceed to Malmo in Sweden tomorrow (April 26, Copenhagen time).
Ends/Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Issued at HKT 18:53
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Yesterday’s News
SEN and green tech mission start visit to Sweden (with photos)
The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, and a green tech mission from Hong Kong arrived in Malmo, Sweden today (April 26, Sweden time).
While in Malmo the mission, comprising 20 professionals and business representatives from 15 academic, quasi-government bodies and commercial organisations, will learn about the city’s achievements in sustainable development and seek to identify green business opportunities.
On his arrival, Mr Yau attended a breakfast meeting with the Mayor of Malmo, Mr Ilmar Reepalu, to exchange views on environmental issues of mutual concern. He then joined the mission for a meeting with local companies on the Sustainability Charter, which was signed between Hong Kong and Malmo in 2011 to encourage partnership between the two cities in achieving sustainable development.
The mission met with the Malmo business sector for an exchange of ideas on sustainability challenges and business opportunities between two places, as well as on Hong Kong’s role in helping European companies enter the Asian market. The mission then toured Malmo’s Western Harbour, a flagship urban redevelopment that has adopted an ecological approach to city planning and construction.
Mr Yau took the opportunity to visit Malmo’s neigbouring city, Lund. He first called on the Mayor and President of Lund City Council, Ms Annika Annerby Jansson, and was briefed on two major sustainable development research facilities, namely the European Spallation Source (ESS) and MAX IV. Mr Yau then attended a luncheon hosted by the Mayor and Chairman of the City Executive Committee of Lund, Mr Mats Helmfrid.
In the afternoon, the mission will listen to presentations by representatives from the local commercial sector, including EON, an international energy company, and MINC, a business incubator for nanotechnology companies. This will be followed by a visit to Augustenborg, an eco-friendly part of Malmo, where the mission will learn about the advanced water treatment technology developed by innovative company Watreco and the environmentally-friendly features of Greenhouse Augustenborg, an ecologically planned housing estate. They will also tour a shopping mall, which has been designed to achieve high energy efficiency.
Mr Yau will return to Copenhagen, Denmark in the late afternoon to pay a courtesy call on the Chinese Ambassador to Denmark, Mr Li Ruiyu, and the Lord Mayor of Copenhagen, Mr Frank Jensen.
Mr Yau and the mission will proceed to Edinburgh in Scotland in the evening.
Ends/Thursday, April 26, 2012
Issued at HKT 18:00
SEN and green tech mission arrive in Edinburgh, Scotland (with photos)
The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, and the green tech mission arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland, today (April 27, UK time) where they hope to discover how Hong Kong can learn from the city’s experience in green tech development and academic research.
Mr Yau first called on the Scottish Government’s Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Mr Stewart Stevenson, for an exchange of ideas on environmental issues of mutual concern.
Mr Yau and the mission paid a visit to HydroThane UK, which specialises in industrial waste water treatment, water recycling, solid waste digestion and biogas treatment. They then visited the North British Distillery Company Limited to see how the link between the anaerobic digestion plant and the distillery creates a green energy source, significantly reducing the distillery’s carbon footprint.
Following this the party will tour the Biofuel Research Centre at Edinburgh Napier University and the Advanced Forming Research Centre at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, giving them the opportunity to learn more about the research work and collaboration with green industries.
The Biofuel Research Centre is dedicated to the development of renewable and sustainable biofuels, while the Advanced Forming Research Centre supports fundamental and applied research in forming and forging.
Mr Yau and the mission will leave for London in the evening.
Ends/Friday, April 27, 2012
Issued at HKT 18:39
Recycle centre: Secretary for the Environment Edward Yau inspects a recycling station in Copenhagen.
Edward Yau visits Denmark
April 25, 2012
Secretary for the Environment Edward Yau and a green tech mission from Hong Kong started their visit to Denmark in Copenhagen today.
They inspected advanced waste treatment technology and explored possibilities for co-operation in green business.
They toured Copenhagen’s largest incineration plant and its recycling station.
They will later attend a luncheon with top executives from various environmental organisations to identify opportunities for co-operation in green business.
They will meet representatives from Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster and listen to presentations and conduct group discussions on various aspects relating to cleantech research, development and implementation.
Mr Yau will also meet the Danish Shipowners’ Association to hear more about the Fair Winds Charter.
The mission will then attend a reception co-hosted by the Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office in London, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Denmark-Hong Kong Trade Association for the Danish business sector.
Mr Yau will speak on green business opportunities available to international investors.
The mission will head to Sweden tomorrow
SEN continues visit to Europe in Cambridge, England (with photos)
The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, and the green tech mission from Hong Kong continued their trip to Europe in Cambridge, England, today (April 30, UK time) to learn more about European experiences in the development and promotion of green technologies. Mr Yau and the delegates visited Cambridge Consultants and Ricardo at Cambridge Science Park in the morning to learn about their research and development in clean tech and low-carbon vehicles.
Cambridge Science Park, the oldest and most prestigious science park in the UK, is home to more than 100 companies, the majority of which are involved in scientific research and development. Cambridge Consultants is an engineering company specialising in innovative product development including renewable energy efficient products and energy management systems, whereas Ricardo provides engineering solutions and low-carbon automotive product innovations including electric vehicles (EVs).
The party will later attend a working roundtable hosted by Deloitte, one of the founders of Cambridge Cleantech.
In the afternoon, they will tour the recycling facilities at AmeyCespa, a leading waste management company in Cambridgeshire. The company, which is specifically targeted at the UK market, is a fully integrated provider of waste management services, including waste collection and the management of household waste recycling centres and landfill sites.
Mr Yau will return to London in the late afternoon.
Ends/Monday, April 30, 2012
Issued at HKT 19:49
SEN concludes visit to Europe in London (with photo)
The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, and the green tech mission today (May 1, UK time) concluded their visit to Europe in London, England.
The day began with a breakfast roundtable meeting hosted by Chatham House, an independent international affairs think-tank and membership organisation, to discuss various environmental protection issues including the adoption of business solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The party then visited Transport for London to take a look at the new London bus, a modern, fully accessible vehicle that uses the latest green diesel-electric hybrid technology. The delegation also exchanged views with the bus company management on using green and low-carbon technologies for public transportation.
Mr Yau and the delegates will attend a luncheon hosted by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London, during which they will have the opportunity to talk to the local business community about Hong Kong’s role as the gateway to the “green” Pearl River Delta (PRD), as well as the green business collaboration between the Hong Kong Government and the neighbouring cities in Guangdong.
Mr Yau has been leading the green tech mission to Europe over the past week to exchange experiences on the development and promotion of green technologies, to identify opportunities for co-operation on various green initiatives, and to promote the market potential for green technological and innovative solutions in Hong Kong and the PRD region.
The mission, consisting of 20 professionals and business representatives from 15 academic, quasi-government bodies and commercial organisations, visited various cities in Sweden, Denmark, Scotland and England.
Mr Yau will leave London for Hong Kong in the evening (UK time).
Ends/Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Issued at HKT 18:37
- · SEN concludes visit to Europe in London
- · The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, and the green tech mission today (May 1, UK time) concluded their visit to Europe in London, England.
- · SEN continues visit to Europe in Cambridge, England
- · The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, and the green tech mission from Hong Kong continued their trip to Europe in Cambridge, England, today (April 30, UK time) to learn more about European experiences in the development and promotion of green technologies.
- · SEN and green tech mission start visit to Scotland
- · The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, and the green tech mission arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland, today (April 27, UK time) where they hope to discover how Hong Kong can learn from the city’s experience in green tech development and academic research.
- · SEN and green tech mission start visit to Denmark
- · The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, and a green tech mission from Hong Kong started their visit to Denmark in Copenhagen today (April 25, Copenhagen time). While in Copenhagen they will take a look at the city’s advanced waste treatment technology and explore possibilities for co-operation in green business.
- · SEN to lead green tech mission to Europe
- · The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, today (April 24) led a green tech mission on a visit to Europe. The mission seeks to exchange experience on the development and promotion of green technologies, identify opportunities for co-operation on various green initiatives, and promote the market for green technological and innovative solutions in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region.