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August 31st, 2011:

Hong Kong 31st on world’s most liveable cities list

We still rank higher than Singapore, Seoul and New York

By Tiffany Lam 31 August, 2011

hong kong property

Despite soaring property prices, Hong Kong is still a great place to live in.

Hong Kong came 31st on a list of the world’s best city’s to live in.

Melbourne is now the world’s most liveable city, ending Vancouver’s nine-year reign on the Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) bi-annual Global Liveability Survey.

Vienna was rated the second best place to live, and Vancouver the third. Toronto and Calgary rounded out the top five. In another coup for Australia, Sydney jumped ahead of Helsinki to sixth spot.

Longtime runner-up Melbourne — Sydney’s arch rival, and some would say attention-seeking little sister — edged in front for its low crime rates, political stability, and comprehensive health care and infrastructure.

Melbourne’s vibrant restaurant scene and European-style café culture didn’t hurt its ratings, either.

Vancouver fell from grace because of the recent intermittent closure of the key Malahat Highway, causing the city to lose points for infrastructure, said the EIU.

Japan tops Asian entries

Osaka and Tokyo were Asia’s top ranking cities in 12th and 18th place respectively. Hong Kong came in 31st, Singapore 51st, Seoul 58th, and Shanghai 79th. Mumbai moved up one place from last year at 116th.

Honolulu was placed highest in the United States at 26th, followed by Pittsburgh at 30th. New York came 56th.

“Those that score best tend to be mid-sized cities in wealthier countries with a relatively low population density,” the EIU report pointed out. “This can foster a range of recreational activities without leading to high crime levels or overburdened infrastructure.”

Cities are rated out of 100 points. Stability, health care, education, infrastructure, culture andenvironment are factors that the survey takes into consideration.

Aussies and Canucks rule

As in previous years, Australian and Canadian cities dominated the rest of the top 10, while New Zealand’s Auckland, ranked tenth.

Cities in Africa and the Middle East languished at the bottom of the 140 cities in the survey, with Zimbabwe’s Harare once again trailing in last place due to flagging scores in stability, health care and infrastructure.

The “Arab Spring” saw a fall in regional stability, with war-torn Tripoli in Libya sliding into the bottom 10 from its previous placement at 107.

The ongoing eurozone crisis also made European cities less liveable generally, the report said.

The world’s top liveable cities:

1. Melbourne, Australia

2. Vienna, Austria

3. Vancouver, Canada

4. Toronto, Canada

5. Calgary, Canada

6. Sydney, Australia

7. Helsinki, Finland

8. Perth, Australia

9. Adelaide, Australia

10. Auckland, New Zealand

And the worst cities on the planet:

131: Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

132: Tehran, Iran

133: Douala, Cameroon

134: Karachi, Pakistan

135: Tripoli, Libya

136: Algiers, Algeria

137: Lagos, Nigeria

138: Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

139: Dhaka, Bangladesh

140: Harare, Zimbabwe
Read more: Hong Kong 31st on world’s most liveable cities list |

The liveability report surveys 140 locations around the world to assess the best or the worst living conditions. It originated as a means of testing whether HR departments needed to assign a hardship allowance as part of expatriate relocation packages. It has since evolved as a broad benchmarking tool used by city councils, organisations or corporate entities looking to test locations against one another.

Cities are scored on political and social stability, crime rates and access to quality health care. It also measures the diversity and standard of cultural events and the natural environment; education (school and university); and the standard of infrastructure, including public transport.

Country City Rank Overall Rating (100=ideal)
Australia Melbourne 1 97.5
Austria Vienna 2 97.4
Canada Vancouver 3 97.3
Canada Toronto 4 97.2
Canada Calgary 5 96.6
Australia Sydney 6 96.1
Finland Helsinki 7 96.0
Australia Perth 8 95.9
Australia Adelaide 8 95.9
New Zealand Auckland 10 95.7
Switzerland Zurich 11 95.6
Switzerland Geneva 12 95.2
Japan Osaka 12 95.2
Sweden Stockholm 14 95.0
Germany Hamburg 14 95.0

機場擴建諮詢 環保團體「唔收貨」

31 August 2011

(2011/8/31新聞稿) 本港10個環保團體發表聯合聲明,指香港機場管理局擴建機場的諮詢粗疏,諮詢文件低估了環境影響的嚴重性,甚至與機管局的顧問報告毫不相干,容易誤導公眾,因此環團對這個諮詢「唔收貨」。團體要求機管局先提供整全的環境、社會和經濟的影響及成本代價,讓公眾掌握客觀的資料,再展開真正的公眾諮詢。


環團要求機管局在一個月內作出進行以上研究的承諾,並警告局方不可「偷雞」匆匆忙忙開展「環境影響評估」程序工作。環團警告,「倘機管局迴避環團的要求,我們會聯署要求機管局內的三名政府代表 (運輸及房屋局局長鄭汝樺、財經事務及庫務局局長陳家強、民航處處長羅崇文)和五名立法會議員 (何俊仁、何鍾泰、林健鋒、劉健儀及陳鑑林),站在捍衛公眾健康、環境質素及社會代價的立場,要求暫緩為該規劃大綱作出決定。」

聯署環團:世界自然基金會 (香港分會)、長春社、香港海豚保育學會、香港地球之友、綠領行動、綠色和平、環保觸覺、綠色力量、健康空氣行動、爭氣行動。


  • Ø 開放空域可行性及對航班升降影響之研究
  • Ø 香港機場未來50年之長遠發展規劃及擴建方案研究
  • Ø 要求訂出「還(生態補償)舊債」時間表 (機管局興建新機場時,承諾多項包括興建濕地等補償計劃,但當年答允的許多措施,至今仍未兌現)


  • Ø 研究及提供擴建計劃的碳排放數據,當中務須包括飛機的排放資料,還有因擴建而引致陸上及海上客貨運運輸的溫室氣體排放數據;
  • Ø 研究低排放航班的安排
  • Ø 承諾三年內實行機場島內地勤運輸電氣化


  • Ø 限制高速船航線遠離白海豚棲息地可行性研究
  • Ø 白海豚來往重要棲息地移動路線之研究
  • Ø 研究香港西部水域基建發展對白海豚的累計影響


  • Ø 開展東涌列作低排放區之可行性研究
  • Ø 研究及公開因新增航班引致的海陸客貨運的空氣污染物排放數據
  • Ø 研究及公開北大嶼山基建對區內及南屯門的累計空氣質素影響 (基建項目,除港珠澳大橋,還應包攬東涌新市鎮的擴建計劃)
  • Ø 公佈為達更新後空氣質素指標而要削減的具體航班數字


Keep vows, group tells Airport Authority

South China Morning Post – 31 August 2011

Green measures over building of Chek Lap Kok not good enough, says association

The Airport Authority has been told to make good on the environmental pledges it made when building the airport at Chek Lap Kok before asking the public to accept another huge project for a third runway.

The authority should “honour its cheques first before asking for more”, the Conservancy Association said, accusing the airport operator of not delivering satisfactorily the compensation it had promised for ecological losses during the original construction.

It said this failure underlined the need for the authority to disclose at earlier stage what compensation measures it planned to introduce if the third runway plan, involving 600 hectares of reclamation in key dolphin habitats, went ahead.

“They have to clearly demonstrate to the public that to what extent their measures could really protect the environment,” senior campaign officer Roy Ng Hei-man said.

Ng said the authority might consider starting the mitigation work even before construction on the HK$136.2 billion runway began.

Three days before the consultation on the project is due to end, the association said that in digging through the environmental impact assessment reports for the airport, produced in the 1990s, it had identified at least three pledges designed to compensate for the loss of Chek Lap Kok island, flattened for the airport.

It said checks on the sites showed none had been completed satisfactorily. In one, a waterfront site at Tai O where the authority had pledged to replant 11 hectares of mangrove for the loss of seven hectares on the island and in north Lantau, it found an estimated five hectares with one key species, common on the levelled island, growing poorly.

East of the Tung Chung new town where the authority promised to replant trees to compensate for removal of a 20-hectare secondary forest that was home to more than 101 bird species, the group found there were two dominant tree species, neither of which bore the right fruit to attract birds.

Parts of the site were just shrubs and weeds.

The association also said that to compensate for loss of a freshwater wetland, 16 other sites of similar characteristics were to have been included in country parks or designated as sites of special scientific interest. But so far, only one, in Sha Lo Tung, has been listed.

The Airport Authority said it had fulfilled its commitments to mangroves, secondary woodland and freshwater wetlands.

The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department said designation of the 16 reserve sites were not pledges in relation to the airport development.

Ten groups will hold a joint press conference today to state their demands to the Airport Authority.