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Beijing Blue Sky Turns into Pollution Clouds Immediately After Huge Parade

image001 (2)The pollution levels went sky high shortly after a huge military parade in Beijing. That is why, Beijing bans 2.5m cars for 2 weeks to achieve blue sky for parade

It was a sudden reversion to the old way of things. But such a thing was to be expected. A day after China’s massive military parade, the smog levels in Beijing went up, up and up.

Smog as everyone knows is smoke plus fog. And it is dangerous for lung function and public buildings. The blue skies that had been the norm since half a month or so had vanished overnight.

Beijing had a two week cleanup operation during which extra special care was taken to subdue the pollution levels. All car exhausts and sources of billowing smoke were eradicated.

The whole shebang was in preparation for the parade.

This parade was to celebrate the defeat of Japan in WWII. Scores of industrial outlets were closed during the two weeks and all cars were banned from the streets. Obviously the pollution levels simply vanished into thin air.

It was the most humongous parade ever held in China. And the excitement was at an all-time high. The parade was termed Parade Blue in honor of the pure skies of clean crispy air.

But such a state of affairs was not to last. A single day has passed and the same old grey skyline has resumed to cast its dismal shadow over all of Beijing. This is sad indeed.

According to the EPA, the smog and pollution levels are even worse than before. It is almost like the lull in things has caused a backlash of sorts. Now the industrial units are back in action and they are churning out pollutants.

The satanic mills are sending forth smoke that is black as hell. And all that effort that had lasted two weeks is gone within a time span of 24 hours.

The Victory Day Parade was a charade that has ended as suddenly as it had materialized. A year ago for a similar occasion, the pollution was cut to zero and the clear blue skies re-emerged.

But way back then the selfsame thing happened and the pollution returned in a villainous manner. China has always had a problem with pollution, according to CNN.

Being the carbon copy technology center of the world, it is only natural that all the pollutants would be concentrated in the Sino-Sphere. The dense black and grey clouds of smog have enveloped the city of Beijing once more. And so it is back to reality which is indeed a very depressing thing.

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