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Letter from NT Concern Group: Waste Management in Hong Kong

Dear Green Groups and Friends of the Enviroment:

Re : Waste Management in Hong Kong

As you may well be aware, under government’s proposals, their solution to Hong Kong’s growing waste production problems are to extend the three landfills currently at Tuen Mun, Twa Kwu Ling and Tseung Kwan O as soon as possible as they are projected to become saturated between 2015 and 2019.  In addition, government intends to build incinerators on an artificial island just off Shek Kwu Chau.

We, the New Territories Concern Group (“NT Concern Group”), a non-politically affiliated group, are concerned with these proposals and have committed ourselves to commission a report to spark national debate and interest in this area.  We went on a fact-finding mission to the Netherlands and to the UK between 16th September 2013 and 22nd September 2013. From our research findings and for the following reasons, we have concluded that Plasma Gasification is superior to government’s proposed incinerator as it is:-

  1. CLEANER as there are no dioxins, fly ash or carbon dioxide discharged;
  2. MORE EFFICIENT in that the syngas produced allows for greater energy potentials;
  3. MORE ENVIROMENTAL FRIENDLY in that the by-product, vitrified inert slag, does not need to be put in landfills and the technology allows for backmining of landfills; and
  4. MORE COST EFFECTIVE in construction and maintenance.  It occupies less land and does not require reclamation of land.

The NT Concern Group aim to build up constructive communications with government so that they will seriously consider alternative technology such as plasma gasification before they commission the construction of the incinerators and expand the landfills and therefore:-

  1. WASTE BILLIONS of dollars of your money;
  2. WASTE HUNDREDS of hectares of Hong Kong’s precious land;
  3. FURTHER POLLUTE Hong Kong’s environment; and
  4. HARM and have an adverse impact on your health and the health of your future generations.

To that end, please find our Waste Management Report for your kind attention. We welcome your kind comments and questions and our Mr. Junius Ho (public relations and spokesperson) and Mr. Vincent Chung (researcher) can be contacted on 2523 3846 and 2106 9824 respectively.

We believe plasma gasification to be a better solution for “Hong Kong: Our Home”, for the environment and for the people of Hong Kong. Government should give Hong Kong a chance. Give ourselves a chance.  Give our future generations a chance.

Yours faithfully,

NT Concern Group




新界關注大聯盟是非政治組織,對以上議題十分關注,並希望展開研究,引起市民的關注及深思。我十分關注這個計劃,心想是否除了焚化和堆填之外,就別無他法?因此我們大聯盟去了尋找答案,現在亦已找到了答案。我們認為等離子氣化技術(Plasma Gasification)相對政府建議的焚化技術更為優勝,總結有以下四點:

1.        潔淨:氣化爐不會生產出二噁英、飛灰或二氧化炭;

2.        高效率:產出的合成氣有更大的潛在能源;

3.        更環保:氣化爐的副產品-泥渣不需要棄置於堆填區,而氣化技術可應用於回墾堆填區

4.        更具成本效益:氣化工廠佔地較少,不需要填海。


1.        浪費數百億的納稅人金錢;

2.        浪費數以百公頃計的珍貴土地;

3.        繼續污染香港環境;

4.        傷害你及你下一代的健康。

畢竟,我們用自己有限的知識、時間及資源,撰寫這份 《垃圾處理技術報告》,並希望  閣下能給予寶貴意見。我們深信,這份報告的建議是有利於香港的長遠發展,藉此我們希望引起公眾討論,更期望得到您的參與,齊來為我們這個家——香港發聲。如有查詢,請賜電2523 3846與何君堯(發言人),或2106 9824與鍾偉基(研究員)聯絡。



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  1. KwunTongBypass says:


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