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Rethinking incinerator

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Rethinking incinerator

There is some dismay among green groups over what they believe is the government’s determination to push ahead with “incineration” as a way of dealing with Hong Kong’s municipal waste. Readers will be aware that plans to build a traditional mass burn incinerator at Shek Kwu Chau off south Lantau were shelved last year by the Legislative Council. However, such despondency appears to be misplaced, since the government is committed to rethinking the project. There has been some confusion as “incineration” has been loosely used to include all processes using heat such as traditional incineration and plasma arc.

However, Environment Secretary Wong Kam-sing said in December last year that the Environmental Protection Department would study different technologies for dealing with waste, including plasma arc. This was confirmed recently when another senior figure told Lai See that the EPD would bring in “experts” to brief them, rather than salesmen or consultants.

Source URL (retrieved on Jan 29th 2013, 5:40am):

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