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KCRC/Clear The Air Clean Transport Poster Contest

Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation and the clean air charity Clear The Air have gotten together to encourage children to help in the battle to clean up Hong Kong’s air.

Generously sponsored by KCRC, Clear The Air contacted every single school in Hong Kong to ask children to design a poster depicting fresh air and clean transport. The response was fantastic, with over 5,000 entries from children aged 5 – 18, exceeding Clear The Air’s poster contest of 1997.

The quality of entries was impressive with many students showing anger and frustration with the current choking air, or hope for an improved environment. Some designs suggested measures for cleaning up Hong Kong, demonstrating the students’ commitment to better air for all. The shortlisted entries clearly show the importance of clean transport to Hong Kong’s environmental future.

Judges Dr CH Leong, Patron of Clear The Air and Member of the Legislative Council, Mr James Blake, Senior Director, Capital Projects and Mr CW Tse, Head of Air Division in the Environmental Protection Department, faced an unenviable task in shortlisting winners. To make their task easier, entries were divided into 5 age categories, with cash prizes available to three winners in each category. Additionally, the school with the most entries will also win a cash award.

An Awards ceremony will be held on June 3 at KCRC in Fo Tan to present cash prizes and free train tickets to the winners and to show them around the environmental features of KCRC’s facilities. Media and Clear The Air members are invited to meet the winning students and to tour the train washing and signaling halls at KCRC.

Some of the winning entries will be displayed at KCRC stations and trains promoting awareness of air pollution and encouraging Hong Kong’s citizens to take action to improve air quality in Hong Kong.

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