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Don’t waste biofuel opportunity


We refer to the letter by Cathay Pacific (SEHK: 0293)’s biofuel manager, Jeff Ovens (“Sustainability is top priority for Cathay when looking at biofuel options”, February 2).

It is interesting that he cites municipal waste – household, industrial, organic and used cooking oil – as all being suitable for conversion to jet fuel.

We support Cathay Pacific in their sustainability policy and innovative approach and see a golden opportunity for the Hong Kong government to take the lead in transforming a waste problem into a business model.

The Living Islands Movement believes that Hong Kong deserves a rethink of the government’s strategy for waste management, which consists of dumping it into landfills and, when full, building one of the biggest incinerators in the world to burn our waste.

Such incinerators are old technology; more modern alternative technologies, located closer to the sources of the waste, should be considered. These do not emit poisonous dioxins, there is no toxic ash residue to be disposed of and a by-product could be jet fuel.

We urge the government not to repeat the mistakes made by Singapore, Tokyo and Beijing. A complete rethink, including a citywide reduce, reuse, recycle initiative and smarter technological solutions will result in a sustainable and healthier future for Hong Kong.

Louise Preston, Living Islands Movement

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