June 11, 2008 – China CSR
Many top textile companies, including Ace Style, Fountain Set (Holdings) Limited and Central Textiles (Hong Kong) LTD, have set up “Sustainable Fashion Business Consortium” in Hong Kong, to promote environmental certification, labeling and carbon emissions businesses.
“The formation of the SFBC marks the coming together of the textile and apparel industry to tackle together this complex issue of sustainability.” stated Pat-Nie Woo, chairman of Sustainable Fashion Business Consortium to local media. “The launching of SFBC is the beginning of an industry-wide transformation, not only benefiting our members, their customers and suppliers, but also for best practices to filter down to small and medium enterprises in Hong Kong and Chinese mainland, thus forming a role model on sustainability, to make the dream of low-impact clothing a reality.”
SFBC’s vision is to work together with not only companies in the textile and apparel industry, but also to hold cooperation and dialogue with other organizations such as retailers and NGOs. By joining hands with other groups such as the RITE Group and WWF Hong Kong, SFBC intends to develop a clear roadmap for sustainable textiles and garments.
SFBC is a group of Hong Kong based companies in the textile and apparel sector committed to promoting and increasing the use of sustainable practices across the supply chain. With the pressing issue of global warming, air and water pollution, and the ever increase of waste disposal pits, SFBC has a vision to create a platform to continuously improve textile and apparels manufacturing processes and procedures throughout the supply chain to minimize the industry’s impact on the environment.