(with effect from 1 January 2011 for two years)
Mr. TSANG Kam-lam, J.P. (Chairman) General Manager of HKPC Environment and Product Innovation Lab
Environmental Impact Assessment Subcommittee Membership List
Professor CHAU Kwai-cheong, J.P. (Deputy Chairman)
Ms. AU Pui-yee, Teresa
Dr. CHAN YUEN Tak-fai, Dorothy, B.B.S.
Professor FUNG Tung
Ms. HO Siu-fong, Betty
Mr. LAU Che-feng, Edwin, M.H.
Professor LEE Hun-wei, Joseph
Professor LI Xiang-dong
Dr. LO Wai-kwok, B.B.S., M.H., J.P.
Dr. MAN Chi-sum, J.P.
Miss NG Yuen-ting, Yolanda
Mr. WONG Ka-wo, Simon, J.P.
Dr. YAU Wing-kwong
Dr. YEP Kin-man, Ray
Please read the news from Oriental Daily today :
It says the chair of EIA subcom who works in HKPC, and HKPC has got a work contract with EPD to measure the air quality around SKC after the first round of EIA meetings for the incinerator. So you may wonder why the chair of EIA subcom did not declare potential conflict of interest before the EIA meeting on 5 Dec and on 30 Dec (even this is the second round to review the the same EIA of incinerator). There was another member who has declared potential conflict of interest in the EIA and ACE meetings, and she was advised to excuse herself from the meetings.
港聞 A23 |
東方日報 | 2012-01-04 | ||||||||||||||||||
焚化爐環評疑涉利益衝突 | ||||||||||||||||||||
環保署指出,政府去年十月以公開招標方式,選出生促局環境管理部進行離島區包括石鼓洲、大嶼山南及長洲的空氣質素監測工作,量度污染物數據作參考之用,與焚化爐環評工作並無關係。 生促局環境管理部總經理曾錦林指出,沒有親自接手工作,加上環諮會大會及環境影響評估小組去年四月已通過焚化爐環評報告,只是遇上港珠澳大橋司法覆核撤回,再於上周重上討論。環諮會要求委員開會前申報利益,委員劉祉峰認為,雖然生促局的研究工作與環評報告未必有直接關係,但為避嫌,「應該提出來,由副主席同委員討論是否有衝突,決定是否需要避席!」