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Outdoor Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Disease

airpollutionFor all of you who are interested in the growing evidence on the link between CVD and outdoor air pollution, which is an extremely important issue in developing and middle income countries, the AHA has just updated its policy statement reviewing the evidence.

There is a summary on the WHF news section which gives links to the press release and the paper in Circulation.

This is a subject that will become more and more important as urbanization continues to skyrocket.  It is also closely linked with the issue of indoor pollution from secondhand smoke, two problems which compound each other to add to the other CVD risks linked with urbanization.  The AHA policy position paper on clean indoor air laws came out last year.

Thanks to the AHA for focusing on this area where policy plays such a big role in heart health: we would be pleased at WHF to learn about the activities of other heart organizations working on the topics of either indoor or outdoor air pollution.

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