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World Health Statistics 2010

whoLast updated: May 10, 2010

Source: World Health Organization

“……World Health Statistics 2010 contains WHO’s annual compilation of data from its 193 Member States, and includes a summary of progress towards the health-related Millennium Development Goals and targets.

As with previous versions, World Health Statistics 2010 has been compiled using publications and databases produced and maintained by the technical programmes and regional offices of WHO. Indicators have been included on the basis of their relevance to global public health; the availability and quality of the data; and the reliability and comparability of the resulting estimates.

Taken together, these indicators provide a comprehensive summary of the current status of national health and health systems in the following nine areas:
– mortality and burden of disease;
– cause-specific mortality and morbidity;
– selected infectious diseases;
– health service coverage;
– risk factors;
– health workforce, infrastructure and essential medicines;
– health expenditure;
– health inequities; and
– demographic and socioeconomic statistics.

The estimates in this book are derived from multiple sources, depending on each indicator and the availability and quality of data. In many countries, statistical and health information systems are weak and the underlying empirical data may not be available or may be of limited quality. Every effort has been made to ensure the best use of country-reported data – adjusted where necessary to deal with missing values, to correct for known biases, and to maximize the comparability of the statistics across countries and over time. In addition, statistical techniques and modelling have been used to fill data gaps.

Because of the weakness of the underlying empirical data in many countries, a number of the indicators are associated with significant uncertainty. It is WHO policy on statistical transparency to make available to users the methods of estimation and the margins of uncertainty for relevant indicators. However, because of space restrictions, printed versions of the World Health Statistics series include uncertainty ranges for only a few indicators. Further information on the margins of uncertainty for additional indicators will be made available at the Global Health Observatory web site.[ ]….”

:: Progress on the health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Fact sheet N°290


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Arabic [pdf 6.40Mb] | Chinese [pdf 5.58Mb] | English [pdf 4.84Mb] | French [pdf 4.98Mb] | Russian [pdf 5.11Mb] | Spanish [pdf 4.95Mb]


Table of contents and introduction [pdf 231kb]
Part I. Health-related Millennium Development Goals [pdf 669kb]
Part II. Global health indicator tables and footnotes [pdf 3.82Mb]

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