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Bridge Will Damage Our Environment

Updated on Mar 06, 2008 – SCMP

Kudos to Jake van der Kamp’s Monitor column (“Bridge to Nevernever Land doesn’t add up”, March 3) and David Sadoway’s letter (“Delta bridge will be an ecological monstrosity”, March 4), for pointing out the economic and environmental shortcomings of the monstrous bridge planned to link Hong Kong with Zhuhai and Macau.

This indeed appears to be little more than a grandiose concrete pouring scheme that will benefit few people – several of them already very rich – while proving costly and environmentally damaging, far beyond the bridge. Not only is it likely to result in North Lantau coming to resemble the northwest New Territories, complete with container parks, but it is also intended to spur development in Zhuhai, so wreaking further havoc.

Zhuhai’s development will result in more regional air pollution, from power stations, factories and petrol and diesel vehicles, therefore, making Hong Kong’s air pollution even worse. This casts doubt on the government’s supposed aim of making our air cleaner.

The bridge is not the only economically dubious and environmentally damaging project Hong Kong has planned or built in recent years following on from Cyberport, Disneyland, the Hong Kong-Shekou Bridge and the partly built Stonecutters Bridge.

Sadly, the people in power here seem oblivious to the fact that Hong Kong has one of the greatest natural settings of any city in the world, and are hell-bent on creating a city of concrete and pollution.

Dr Martin Williams, director, Hong Kong Outdoors

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