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October 28th, 2015:

Green Groups Decline Airport invitation to join Professional Liaison Group

For Immediate Release

(28 October 2015, Hong Kong) — Eleven leading green groups have declined the Hong Kong Airport Authority (AA)’s invitation to join the Professional Liaison Group (PLG) for the Three-Runway System Project.

The setting up of a PLG is a specific condition (2.1) under the Environmental Permit (AEP-489/2014) issued by the Environmental Protection Department under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance: “ To enhance transparency and communication with the public.”

Following several months of communication with the Airport, green groups decided that “a more effective and efficient platform for dialogue, and a greater commitment from the Airport Authority and Government on a truly green airport” is required.

In a letter to the Airport Authority, and copied to the Director of Environmental Protection, green groups set out the following reasons for declining the invitation:

1. Deep concerns among the groups over the impacts of the three-runway project;
2. The limited mitigation measures set out under the Environmental Permit;
3. The narrow scope of the Terms of Reference for the Professional Liaison Group;
4. The absence of an independent due process for the proposed Professional Liaison Group.

Green groups noted that the PLG was limited to a technical oversight of the environmental consultant hired to monitor the contractors meeting the various technical conditions set out in the Environmental Permit. The PLG would be controlled by the Airport which act both as Chair and as Secretary. However, no resources were set aside for the Members to conduct their work independently. It was determined that participation would seriously undermine the “watch dog” and “environmental expert” roles of green groups.

The green groups who declined the invitation include Clean Air Network, Clear The Air, The Conservancy Association, Designing Hong Kong, Friends of the Earth (HK), Green Lantau Association, Green Sense, Greeners Action, Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society, The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society and Living Islands Movement.

The specific condition (2.1) under the Environmental Permit (AEP-489/2014) requires the Airport: “ To enhance transparency and communication with the public, the Permit Holder shall, no later than 3 months before the commencement of construction of the Project, set up Community and Professional Liaison Groups respectively comprising members of affected parties including local residents and relevant professional/experts to facilitate communications, enquiries and complaints handling on all environmental issues related to the Project. The Permit Holder shall take a proactive approach to disseminate information to the groups, promote community cooperation and participation and implement suitable local environmental enhancement works. All relevant information of the Project including the detailed design, the progress of construction and operation and environmental monitoring and audit results shall be provided to the groups. The Permit Holder shall inform the Director in writing the membership and terms of reference of the two groups. The Permit Holder shall make the minutes of the groups’ meetings and all papers and documents available to the public through a website.”


十一個環保團體已去信香港機場管理局,拒絕加入其就香港國際機場第三條跑道計劃設立的「三跑專業聯絡小組」(Professional Liaison Group , PLG)。






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