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Invitation- International Conference on Solid Waste 2013: Innovation in Technology and Management (Hong Kong Baptist University)

Sent: 21 August, 2012 15:51
To: arcpe – icsw
Subject: Invitation- International Conference on Solid Waste 2013: Innovation in Technology and Management (Hong Kong Baptist University)

Invitation for ICSWHK 2013

Dear Sir/Madam,

Further to the great success of the first International Conference on Solid Waste 2011, we are glad to inform you that Sino Forest Applied Research Centre for Pearl River Delta Environment, Hong Kong Baptist University is going to organize the second conference, “ International Conference on Solid Waste 2013: Innovation in Technology and Management” which will be held on5-8 May 2013 in Hong Kong. The International Conference aims to bring together various stakeholders from academia, industry, government and non-government organizations worldwideto deliberate on issues pertaining to solid waste management. It will comprise seminars, poster presentation, workshop and field trip. You are cordially invited to join us!

Call for Abstract

You are invited to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentation, the deadline for submission is 30 November, 2012.

We will offer two awards for outstanding presenters:

1. International Young Waste Researcher Award

2. Best Poster Award

Financial Aid

Partial and Full Financial Aid in the form of registration and accommodation reimbursement will be available for selected participants, who are going to submit an abstract by 30 November, 2012 and register for the conference . Priority will be given to those who are going to present a paper, attend the conference, coming from developing countries and/or having a student status.

Interested parties can apply through the Conference Secretariat: ( .

Journal publication

All accepted abstracts and papers will be published in conference proceedings. Selected papers from the conference will be considered for publication in a special issue of SCI-listed journals. ( Last year we published the selected papers in a special issue of “Bioresource Technology” and “Environmental Technology”.)

Please kindly visit our Conference website at for more details. You may also wish to check out more details of our last conference at .

The conference brochure is also herewith attached for your kind perusal. Please contact our Conference Secretariat if you need more information.

You are welcome to distribute this invitation notice to relevant faculty members/post doctoral students/colleagues or any interested parties for participation.

We are looking forward to seeing you in our Conference!

P.S. Please accept our apologies if there is any case of double-mailing of this email.

Yours faithfully,

Conference Secretariat


Sino-Forest Applied Research Centre for Pearl River Delta Environment (ARCPE)

Hong Kong Baptist University

Tel: (852) 3411 2537

Fax: (852) 3411 2095


Email: (,

Download PDF : ICSWHK_HKBU_leaflet

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