From: []
Sent: 19 June, 2012 17:07
Cc: “E[KM]1″; “SI[KM]1″;;
Subject: Fw: E(12/1466) Euro 6 subsidy by Dutch Govt (HKG still has Euro II and III polluting bus trash on its roads)
Dear Mr. Middleton
Thank you for your email.
When we tighten the vehicle emission standards in Hong Kong, we will make reference to the international practice and the availability of compliant vehicle models in Hong Kong. Starting from June 2012, all newly registered heavy duty vehicles including franchised buses in Hong Kong are required to comply with Euro V emission standards. The European Union will implement the Euro VI emission standards for heavy duty vehicle in phases starting from 2013 and fully implement in 2014. At the moment, there is no Euro VI heavy duty vehicle available in Hong Kong. We will continue to monitor the Euro VI vehicle model supply situation in Hong Kong and decide to introduce the Euro VI emission standards in Hong Kong as soon as possible.
For franchised buses, as the latest commercially available models in Hong Kong are Euro V buses at this stage, the franchised bus companies are currently procuring Euro V buses for replacement.
Paul Wong
Assistant Environmental Protection Officer
—– Forwarded by EPD_Enquiry/EPD/HKSARG on 14/06/2012 14:48 —–
14/06/2012 14:48 |
Dear James Middleton,
Thank you for your email dated 13.06.2012.
I would like to inform you that our colleagues are processing your request and may need a few more days to come back to you.
Please let me know if you do not hear from us after about 5 working days. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Environmental Protection Department
“James Middleton” <>
13/06/2012 19:52 |
Dear EPD,
We note that replacement buses in Hong Kong under franchise agreements must be of the Best Available Current Technology.
Does Hong Kong have Euro 6 diesel ?
Are new diesel buses here mandated to be Euro 6 compliant, given the projected lifetime of the vehicles ?
If not why not ?
Yours sincerely,
James Middleton
Dutch subsidy for Euro VI trucks and buses
In the Netherlands, heavy-duty vehicles(trucks and buses) that meet the new Euro
VI standards will be subsidised by up to 4500 euro each in 2012 and 2013. The Euro
VI standards will become mandatory for all new heavy-duty vehicles from 2014.
Tests by the Dutch environment consultancy TNO have shown that the new
Euro VI engines can reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by more than
90 per cent in real driving conditions, as compared to Euro V and earlier Eurostandard
Source: Dutch government press release, 30 May 2012.
“The sulphur content of ship fuels will be cut to 0.1% from 2015 in the Baltic Sea and the North
Sea, and to 0.5% from 2020 in other EU waters. As a result, emissions of sulphur dioxide
from shipping in Europe will come down by more than 80 per cent.”
Hong Kong has no rules governing the use of bunker fuel which varies between 2.75 – 4+% sulphur ,
no Emissions Control Area legislation (ECA).
The local HKG Environmental Prevarication Department passes the responsibility to China to enact ECA legislation in Hong Kong waters
leaving only volunteer action by the Fairwinds Charter members to burn Low Sulphur Diesel at anchor in HKG port. Yet vehicular ULSD is rightly
limited to parts per million.
31% of HKG’s particulates and 25% of local NOx and Sox come from marine emissions.