From: []
Sent: 22 May, 2012 18:52
To: James Middleton
Subject: RE: Statistics
Dear Mr. Middleton,
The EPD has conducted 165 roadside publicity and joint enforcement actions in total, 58 more since the end of March, and the traffic wardens have continued to enforce during normal patrol against drivers who contravenes the idling prohibition. So far, drivers have been cooperative and no Penalty Notice has been issued. As the summer is approaching, the EPD has stepped up the ongoing publicity activities to remind drivers to observe the law, including staging outdoor roving exhibitions between May and June. Meanwhile, environmental protection inspectors and traffic wardens will continue to strengthen roadside publicity and joint enforcement actions.
Environmental Protection Department
What is the current level of fixed penalty notices issued please ?
James Middleton
From: []
Sent: 31 March, 2012 10:28
To: James Middleton
Subject: Re: Statistics
Dear Mr. Middleton,
Apart from the enforcement conducted by the traffic wardens during their normal patrol duty, we have conducted 107 pre-planned enforcement and publicity operations since the implementation of the Motor Vehicle Idling (Fixed Penalty) Ordinance in December 2011. In general, the drivers are co-operative and so far no Fixed Penalty Notices have been issued. We will continue our extensive publicity and education programmes throughout Hong Kong to promote the message of switching off idling engines and encourage drivers to take up the green driving habit.
Environmental Protection Department