“Going Green: Search for Solutions” airs June 30 – July 6
Clear The Air would like to bring to your attention that starting on the 30th of June, CNN International will air a week of special programming searching for innovative yet tangible solutions to existing environmental problems.
In “Going Green: Search for Solutions”, CNN correspondents will report live from five continents and will provide the most comprehensive assessment to date of environmental threats in five distinct areas: food and water production, living, business, transport and energy.
An online special at features exclusive video and in-depth coverage tracking the environmental footprint left behind by citizens of the world.
Please tune in and do your bit to Clear The Air in Hong Kong.
“Going Green: Search for Solutions” airs from June 30 – July 4 during CNN Today at 7-10 am and World News Asia at 7-8pm. A 30-min special airs July 5th at 2:30-3:00pm and 1030-1100pm.
It’s on Chanel 316 on NowTV and 74 on i-Cable. Check schedule times to be sure not to miss it!