Clear the Air says:
This is an example of how Principal Government officials in Hong Kong believe they are beyond the law and can ignore the public.
This is why our air is so poor.
This why the poor remain poorer.
This is why the tycoons get richer at our expense and health and mainlanders buy our homes which we cannot afford.
How many more skeletons are in the closet, or is that hidden too ? and Henry Tang ‘JP’ thinks he will still get elected as CE ?
Will be difficult from a jail cell. If it transpires and ignores public opinion we can expect 1 million+ people to take to the streets.
“Hong Kong Chief Executive Candidate Henry Tang is Not a Man”
Posted on February 17, 2012
First of all, watch Henry Tang’s “man’s shoulders” speech and his apology.
The headline of today Oriental Daily,
(Henry Tang) Made His Wife a Scapegoat
Lied About Unauthorised Building Works Repeatedly
Consciously Went Against the Rules and Defend Himself Furiously
No Shoulder No Backbone
Refuses to Withdraw from Election
Chief Executive candidate Henry Tang is not a man! Buildings department investigated Tang’s mansion in Kowloon Tong for four hours and validated pictures of his 2400 square feet “underground palace” revealed by us. Tang lied repeatedly and bankrupted his credibility. Seeing that he has no way out, he abandons his “a man must shoulder blame and responsibility” principle and passes all the responsibility and crime of unauthorised construction and repeated lies to his wife Kwok Yu-chin, who gave apology in tears to protect him. Together with his previous infidelity and love child scandals, netizen condemn the shamelessness of Tang for making his wife a scapegoat. The storm of “anti Tang” is being started.
The headline of Apple Daily,
Betraying (his) Wife for Glory
Henry Tang Refuses to Withdraw
The scandal does not end in here. VJMEDIA released a picture of the suspected Tang’s mansion in its building state.
An informer revealed this secret photo to us. This informer disclosed that it was taken when Tang’s mansion was being built. It shows that the foundation is very deep, which does not in scale with the original approved floor plan. It was also claimed that the size of the unauthorised building work is two times larger than 2400 square feet.
Therefore, this photo contradicts with Tang’s statement that the illegal basement was constructed in 2007.
LATEST UPDATE (Feb 17th 5:05 pm) from Apple Daily
Tang’s family sent the foundation plan of 7 York Road to Buildings Department through a construction company in August 2003 and it shows the foundation was only 3 to 4 meters deep. However, one month later, they revoked the plan and got related records back so that they could increase the depth to 5 meters.
Secondary school students taking pictures of Tang’s 7 York Road home
Netizen Reactions
Cartoonist草日漫畫’s work,
A big scientific discovery! Siu Ming found an invertebrate with no shoulder and backbone in a burrow. Can someone tell Siu Ming its scientific name?
Cartoonist Cuson Lo‘s work,
Comments from an anti-Tang Facebook group