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New rezoning request for the Central Waterfront

Hong Kong, 29 May 2007 – Designing Hong Kong has applied for twenty-three amendments to be made to the Outline Zoning Plans for the Central Waterfront.

“We consider the changes fundamental. They increase competition, improve vibrancy, create visual corridors, allow better air ventilation, reduce land for surface roads, extend the tram network to the waterfront and enable the Star Ferry Clock Tower and Queen’s Pier to be put back in their original location,” said Peter Wong.

“The amendments are based on a thorough study of ten schemes proposed for the Central Waterfront over the last five years by many different groups. Given the consensus during a Workshop in November 2006, and during the Community Engagement Forum on May 12 this year, we are confident that the proposals have broad support among many stakeholders,” said Paul Zimmerman.

“By making the submission now, the proposed changes can be included as options in the Central Reclamation Urban Design Study which is conducted by the Planning Department. It is critical to review the plans and not just the design, because without future reclamation this is the last chance to get the final harbour-front done right in Central,” said Christine Loh.

“We have broken up the two key sites: The groundscraper and the festival market. Not only does this create a better urban environment, it will make Central more diverse. Rather than having two developers control the area, our plan will allow at least five developers to own a part of the Central Waterfront and compete with each in attracting residents, businesses and tourists,” said Markus Shaw.

“We acknowledge that the proposals reduce the overall gross floor area and premium income potential, and that the changes will require the Administration to revisit previous assumptions. However, this short term loss will be more than compensated for by the economic benefits of the improved quality of life in the long term,” the applicants concluded.

In summary, the proposed amendments are:

  1. Reduce maximum height of new buildings between IFC and Piers;
  2. Convert the Statue Square Corridor into a park (which will allow the Star Ferry Clock Tower to be returned to its former location);
  3. Split the groundscraper into 3 separate buildings;
  4. Split the festival marker into 2 buildings;
  5. Reduce the width of P2;
  6. Re-instate Queen’s Pier and Edinburgh Place in their present location;
  7. Convert half the PLA barracks to open space;
  8. Built a pier for the PLA to free up the harbour-front;
  9. Reduce the height and coverage of the sites in front of the APA;
  10. Reserve land for a tram along the waterfront.

Designing Hong Kong is an alliance of four individuals, including Ms. Christine Loh, former Legislative Councillor and CEO of the non-profit think-tank Civic Exchange; Mr. Peter H. Y Wong, Chartered Accountant, Chairman of the Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong, and member of the Greater Pearl River Delta Business Council and the Executive Committee of the Commission on Strategic Development; Mr. Markus Shaw, Chairman of the Worldwide Fund for Nature, Hong Kong, and member of the Advisory Council on the Environment; and Paul Zimmerman, Executive Director of Jebsen Travel, Convenor of Designing Hong Kong Harbour District and Vice-Chairman of the Coalition on Sustainable Tourism.

For more information, please contact Natalie Ng at (852) 3180 3663 or


2007 年5 月29 日,香港 -- 「設計香港」已就中區海旁分區計劃大綱圖提出23 項修改建議。

黃匡源表示:「我們認為這些改變十分重要。這些改變提高香港的競爭力,增加城市的活力。此外,計劃可設置海旁觀景廊,改善區內空氣流通問題,減少興建道路的土地用途;將 電車行駛網絡伸延至海旁,並令天星碼頭鐘樓及皇后碼頭能夠重回舊址。」

司馬文認為:「修改內容是根據過去五年,多個團體因應中區海旁提交的十項建議而制訂的。從2006 年 11 月及今年5 月12 日所進行的民意調查結果,我們相信這些建議會得到社會各界人士的廣泛支持。」

陸恭蕙表示:「現時遞交的申請,當中的建議可獲規劃署的《中環新海濱城市設計研究》(Central Reclamation Urban Design Study) 作為考慮方案。我們認為重新審視整個計劃而不單是設計方面,是十 分重要的。因為從此以後中區不會再有填海計劃,這便是重整中區海旁的最後機會。」

邵在德表示:「我們建議分拆兩個重要地段:橫向型樓宇及節日墟市。這不只可營造一個更理想的城市環 境,更會令中環更多元化。我們的計劃會讓最少五個發展商擁有一部份的中區海旁地段,以個別賣點吸引 住客、商家及遊客,而不是只讓兩個發展商控制整個地區。」

建議者表示:「我們知道這些建議會減少整體的總樓面面積及最高的潛在收入,亦需要行政局再審視之前 的安排。但是這些短期的損失將會獲長期的生活改善所帶來的經濟效益所彌補。」


1. 限制國際金融中心及碼頭之間的新建築的高度;
2. 將皇后像廣場走廊改建成公園(令天星碼頭鐘樓重回舊址);
3. 將橫向型樓宇分柝成三幢獨立建築;
4. 將節日墟市分拆成兩幢獨立建築;
5. 收窄P2;
6. 重置皇后碼頭及愛丁堡廣場於現有地段;
7. 將半個中國人民解放軍軍營改建為露天開放空間;
8. 為中國人民解放軍興建新碼頭以騰出海旁空間;
9. 香港演藝學院前的地段減少高度及覆蓋;
10. 在海旁撥地預留電車路的興建工程

「設計香港」是由4 名獨立人士組成的聯盟,包括前立法會議員兼研究公共政策的慈善團體思匯行政總裁 陸恭蕙;身兼會計師、香港工商專業聯會主席、大珠三角商務委員會成員及中央政策組策略發展委員會行 政委員會成員的黃匡源;世界自然基金會香港分會主席及環境諮詢委員會成員邵在德;以及捷成旅遊執行 董事、「共創我們的海港區」會議召集人及旅遊業可持續發展聯盟副主席司馬文。

如需進一步資料,可致電(852) 3180 3663 與Natalie Ng 聯絡,或電郵至。

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