Trucks servicing the port will have to have 2007 engines or newer
Following the recent announcement from the Port of Long Beach, the Port of Los Angeles has also announced that it’s Clean Trucks Program will see the permanent ban of polluting trucks from its port terminals beginning January 1st, 2012.
Around 1,473 of the current drayage fleet of 11,772 trucks currently serving the port will retire from port service in the New Year. All trucks serving the port will be required to have 2007 or newer engines.
“The Clean Truck Program has shown that you can be green and grow the Port of Los Angeles at the same time,’’ said Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor of Los Angeles. “By cutting harmful diesel emissions, we are building a healthier Los Angeles.”
The port said emissions studies comparing overall emission for 2010 with those of 2005 showed a 92% reduction of sulphur oxides (SOx), an 89% drop in diesel particulate matter (pm), and a 77% reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx).
“The Port of Los Angeles, along with our industry partners, has made the business of moving cargo cleaner,” said Geraldine Knatz, Ph.D., Executive Director at the Port of LA. “The results speak for themselves, and we couldn’t be more proud of reaching this milestone.”
Samantha Cacnio, Vancouver News Desk, 20th December 2011 19:18 GMT
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