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Sponsor Acknowledgement

Sponsor Acknowledgement

Clear the Air wishes to thank local resident Mr Alexander Turnbull for his generous donation to enable Clear the Air’s purchase of a sophisticated hi-tech portable particulate measurement unit – Clear the Air intends to publish  actual lethal roadside particulate PM2.5, PM1 and PM10 pollution levels in Hong Kong’s urban canyons so the public is made aware of the actual levels of pollution they are inhaling daily rather than the  ‘High to Very high’ general readings offered by the EPD Air Quality Monitoring stations (which are sited with  their air sampling intakes between 2.5 and 5.5  meters above actual roadside height.) Hong Kong roadside air quality in Central is among the worst of almost 600 cities surveyed by the WHO whilst the EPD has yet to release data on its two most polluted locations in Causeway Bay and Mongkok.

About Us

Clear the Air is an NGO and registered Hong Kong charity which advocates and fights to improve the overall air quality in Hong Kong; our atrocious local air quality is compounded by Government’s prevarication and failure to adopt WHO Air Quality Guideline Standards and thus abrogates its Duty of Care to its citizens.


Clear the Air is a volunteer run and operated Hong Kong NGO charity since 1997.

Companies and individuals interested in bettering the local environment and air quality may donate up to 35% of their yearly inland revenue tax payments to our registered Hong Kong charity to assist our continued operation and website upkeep.

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