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Clamp Down On Idling Engines, Greens Urge

Published in the SCMP on the 10th of October 2007:

Clamp Down On Idling Engines, Greens Urge

Green groups have urged the government to crack down on motorists who leave their engines idling while parked, saying this is a major contributing factor to Hong Kong’s air pollution problem.

Clear The Air and the Clean Air Action Group patrolled Mong Kok yesterday, where they say they saw at least 100 drivers who left their engines running.

Members of the two groups launched their patrols in Tung Choi Street and Fa Yuen Street from 11am to 5pm and renewed their call for a city wide ban on idling engines.

“There is no public consultation, no policy to tackle this issue. Our government has done nothing to curb the pollution from idling engines,” said Amy Ng Yuk-man, chairwoman of Clear The Air’s idling engine committee.

Ms Ng said vehicle and vessel emissions were responsible for most of Hong Kong’s locally produced air pollution.

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