by Tom Goulding, writing for letsrecycle:
Gasification specialist Advanced Plasma Power (APP) has been awarded a £1.9 million grant for commercial trials of the production of its residual waste-derived syngas for use in homes.
The finance is part of a three-year project partly funded by the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem).
APP will conduct commercial trials of waste-derived syngas production in Swindon. (letsrecyle)
The project, co-managed by APP, the National Grid and Progressive Energy, a clean energy development firm, will produce low carbon methane, or bio-substitute natural gas from residual waste for use in the UK gas network.
APP will conduct a two stage thermal gasification process at its trial facility in Swindon, which became operational in 2008.
The programme, which is the second phase of a feasibility study started in February 2012, aims to establish whether converting waste-derived syngas to a quality acceptable for the gas network is commercially viable (see story).
The second phase of the trial, for which APP has the received the Ofgem funding, will look at gathering data from the procurement, fabrication, and test operation of the demonstration facility.
APP says that the trial will provide technical and economic data to demonstrate the viability of rolling out the technology on a commercial scale.
Waste for the trial will not be derived from any single supplier, but the company has said that it will be seeking to carry out testing on a wide range of feedstocks.
Work will start in April 2014, and will be split into three phases for building, commissioning, and testing the programme, with an estimated completion date of March 2017.