From: K H Siu []
Sent: 11 August, 2012 13:01
Subject: Airport Authority Hong Kong Welcomes Issuance of Study Brief for Expanding the Airport into a Three-runway System
Dear All,
The Director of Environmental Protection issued the Study Brief for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of expanding Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) into a three-runway system. Please find attached our media statement released about an hour ago in response to the issuance for your information.
With the Study Brief, we will now embark on the EIA process which is expected to take about two years to complete. We are dedicated to carry out this work in a highly prudent, transparent and professional manner as always.
In our last Green NGO roundtable meeting held on 25 May, we extended invitation to all participating NGOs to join our four technical briefing groups (TBGs), namely air quality, noise, marine ecology and fisheries, and Chinese White Dolphins. We would like to emphasise again that TBG is intended to be a platform to share information and exchange views. Attending the meetings will and shall not in any way be construed as condoning or supporting our proposed three-runway system project. We value your opinions and sincerely hope you and your colleagues will consider joining.
In addition, we have recently started another round of individual meetings with green groups. More are being arranged as of now as part of ongoing communication with you. Some green groups suggest holding another roundtable briefing after the issuance of the Study Brief. Hence, we would like to invite you and your colleagues to attend our next Green NGO roundtable meeting in end-August in order that we can exchange views before we start the EIA and to update you on our views about Carbon Audit and Social Return on Investment Study. We propose the meeting to be held on 28 August morning in Central. Details are as follows:
Date: 28 August (Tue)
Time: 11:00 am
Venue: Cliftons, 33/F, 9 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong
Kindly please advise if you and/or your colleague(s) will join the meeting. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 2188 7257 or Cathy Cheung at 2188 7239.
Best regards,
K H Siu
Senior Manager, Public Affairs
Corporate Communications
Airport Authority Hong Kong
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