December 31st, 2011:
Govt committee backs incinerator plan
31-12-2011 |
Government-appointed advisers have endorsed an Environmental Impact Assessment report on an administration plan to build an incinerator to burn Hong Kong’s municipal solid waste.
The government is considering building an incinerator at either Tuen Mun or Shek Kwu Chau, as a way to dispose of waste, because Hong Kong is running out of landfill sites. The Chairman of the Evironmental Impact Assessment subcommittee, Tsang Kam-lam, said they gave their backing after taking all the scientific evidence into consideration. The government is facing the threat of a judicial review if it decides to build a waste incinerator on ShekKwu Chau. The co-owner of a restaurant on Lantau Island, Tom Hope, submitted a formal notice to the Environment Secretary, Edward Yau, and the chairman of the Advisory Committee on the Environment, Professor Lam Kwan-sing, saying that if the government goes ahead with the plan, then a judicial review will be launched. |
“However, it is the presence of pollutants in the gases emitted from MSWI
chimneys that attracts most concern, and in particular, the presence of dioxins (Box 3) because
they are suspected of causing cancer and are widely distributed throughout the food chain.
Of other air pollutants, acid gases and particulates, for instance, can harm people with respiratory
illnesses. A report from the Department of Health’s Committee on the Medical Effects of Air
Pollution (COMEAP) concluded that PM10 pollution from all urban sources hastens (‘brings
forward’) 8,100 deaths/yr, and increases or brings forward hospital admissions by 10,500/yr.”
Parliamentary Copyright 2000
The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, 7 Millbank,
London SW1P 3JA, tel: [020] 7219 2840.
See also
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Small area study of mortality among people living near multiple sources of air pollution
AbstractObjective—In the area of Malagrotta, asuburb of Rome (Italy), a large waste disposalsite, a waste incinerator plant, andan oil refinery plant became operationalin the early 1960s and have representedthree major sources of air pollution. Toevaluate the potential health risk due toairborne contamination around thesepoint sources, a small area analysis ofmortality was conducted. Cancer of theliver, larynx, lung, kidney, lymphatic, andhaematopoietic systems were evaluated.Methods—Sex and age specific mortality(1987–93) and population denominators(1991) were available for the census tractsof the metropolitan area of Rome. Standardisedmortality ratios (SMRs) werecomputed separately for males and femalesin bands of increasing distancefrom the plants, up to a radius of 10 km.Stone’s test for the decline in risk withdistance was performed with incrementsin radius of 1 km; SMRs were alsocomputed after adjusting for a four levelindex of socioeconomic status.Results—No overall excess or decline inrisk with distance was found for liver,lung, and lymphohaematopoietic cancersin either sex. For laryngeal cancer, anincreased but not significant risk wasfound at 0–3 km and at 3–8 km. Asignificant decline with distance inmortality from laryngeal cancer wasfound among men (p=0.03); the trendremained after adjusting for thesocioeconomic index (p=0.06).Conclusions—The study showed no associationbetween proximity to the industrialsites and mortality for most of theseveral conditions considered. However,mortality from laryngeal cancer declinedwith distance from the sources of pollution.This result is interesting, as previousfindings of an increased risk of laryngealcancer near incinerators have been controversial.(Occup Environ Med 1998;55:611–615)Keywords: environmental epidemiology; waste disposal;small area analysis
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INCINERATORS – WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION?by Dr. Dick van Steenis MBBSSummary of paper at the RIBA Conference 31st Jan – 2nd Feb 2005Presented on 31 January 2005 – RIBA, London.HISTORICAL AND THE TAXPAYER.1853 Dr, John Snow proves cholera from Broard St pump not “ODOURS” (used by EA 1996-) 1920s & 1930s Rockerfeller runs Standard Oil = Exxon (some capital from Rothchild Bank) and buys American Cancer Soc and invests in eugenics (cold Spring Harbour) & IG Farben etc.1943 U.S. War Office told PM1s most lethal to man & effects through body1980-1989 Pollution studies of 550000 people (Dockery & Pope etc)1990-1996 Experiments on rats; dogs & humans prove PM2.5 critical size & pathology.1997 USEPA PM2.5 rule. Prosecutions 2000& 2001 (following Health Effects Inst report May 2000& Death Disease & Dirty Power report Oct 2000) of 10 power co, 6 oil co & steel co.Sept 2003 White House Report shows savings of $193BN from PM2.5 cleanup relating to just hospital savings 7 and days off work savings, clearly mostly since 1997 rule, & 7 times investment cost.Okopol report 1999 & USEPA both agree spend £1 save £6 NHS £4 Social costs.Compare UK health probably best 1994 but downhill under Blair/Prescott with 2000 IPPC downgrading of BAT to anything will do, just maximise profit.Councils to be charged later 2005 £150 /ton for landfill without quotas. Also unlimited imports of hazardous waste mixed as “fuel” plus imported current radioactive medium grade hazardous waste.Much radioactive waste incinerated by 34incin England/Wales eg Grundon,Colnbrook (1990-)Industry largely controls UK. Committee members in pay of Glaxo etc Govt. lobbyist’s rule roost.Wyeth/ ABPI control health and vaccine programs, Govt. mandates so drug co. freed of much litigation. Selenium etc. to be banned 2005. Govt& industry control Guys PU now Health Protection Agency, who advise public health drs.& PCTs. Their “knowledge” is at least 70 years out of date. Birth defect data and cancer registers have been fraudulently massaged down and real causes of death altered. So-called studies are often fraudulent by fiddling data, dates, areas or controls, and omitting key references. Govt.check and censor media & UK medical & scientific journals. Truth is hidden, only is spin allowed. Subsidy of BP /AMOCO Oil Co. set up FoE c.1973 to protect oil cartel etc.& to control action groups (3x£2000pa each) = £64200 of £8.1m income 2002. Patient “charities” are mostly controlled by drug co. donors and refuse to look at causes of the illness they use to collect money. Blair gave judges £1.5 million each pension fund (?for loyalty), Blair’s pal Hodge runs Legal Aid, and Solicitors have been bribed to loose cases. NHS Whistle blowers have been sacked or suspended.Result £46Bn spent on NHS 1996 risen to £87bn 2005 meaning £27bn above inflation with only 1.5% extra output meaning £26bn extra costs from pollution & “Tony’s cronies” on top of previous £18bn ie £40bn minimal pollution cost of which 75% can be sorted readily so £30bn savings easily done including disbanding corrupt committees/quangos. Invalidity benefit is now paid to 3% of population in parts of West Berkshire & Northern Hampshire relatively less polluted compared with Merthyr Tydfil & 40% above Port Talbot as more polluted areas.Particle average sizes emitted from burning coal are alkaline PM5, heavy oils acidic PM2, orimulsion & waste mixes PM1. Only smaller than PM3 enters lungs. 90% of PM1 retained in lungs. Hence UK Govt. only measures PM10 down to PM4 in monitors – totally irrelevant. At the new Grundon incinerators (Colnbrook) there will be no monitoring of PM2.5s, radioactivity or after first year dioxins. Power stations and oil refineries have unlimited emissions, cement works virtually the same and incinerators unlimited PM2.5 & PAHsat least. Even trains are burning very substandard fuels thanks to the Rail Regulator until 2011 without emission controls.Only proper long-term study of health from incinerator was at St. Niklaas 2001 which was officially within EC directive but closed by judge in court due to deaths and illnesses. Av. 12 years was taken off lifespan. Cancer incidence rose 480% on top of Belgian national increase. Slough had SMR 88 in 1990. After 5 years of Grundon (plus it appears CHP Slough & ??previous clinical waste hosp. Incinerator) SMR rose to 122 equal to 11years off lifespan by 1995 and SMR121 in 2001. This meant cull of population especially in 50’s.Health effects found as expected around chimney (2miles) & downwind (highest rate 7miles per 100ft chimney, total spread PM2.5s over 28miles per 100ft., PM1s can be blown as far as Russia causing dimming of sun. Further health damage has occurred within 3 mile radius of hazardous waste site where incinerator fly-ash is dumped. One example is by Bishops Cleeve (Cheltenham) where radioactive flyash is dumped from Colnbrook & Bolton plus hazardous flyash from 3 other incinerators without current liner with cancer of ovary in two 30-year olds & another SADS victim noted recently.PM2.5s set up inflammation in lungs, are handled by magrophages & T-Lymphocytes. Excess or insoluble items walled off (fibrosis leading to COPD) soluble items travel by bloodstream. PAHs & heavy metals are amongst worst affecting heart & causing mutations of DNA.TOTAL EFFECTS INCLUDEBirth defects—– terminations, live defects, miscarriages. See McMaster experiment 2004Premature deaths of babies, infants and adults.T-lymphocyte diversion/depletion causes SIDS, cot deaths, autism, MS, AIDS, GBS, Attention Deficit Disorder & Behaviour problems.Lower IQ & educational achievement eg 1or 2 classes down, worse GCSE grades.Asthma, COPD, viral & other respiratory or other infections (85% younger boys)Coronary artery disease, heart attacks, arteriosclerosis, strokes, SADSDiabetes 2 (and sometimes diabetes 1 ) — massive rise in the UK under Tony.Multiple chemical sensitivity with allergies and arthritis.ME ( gasses affect P450 & Y-lyphocyte diversion) and CFSClinical depression. (9x rise Pembs), prison suicides), apathy,. Part of obesity problem.Hypothyroidism (part of the obesity problem under Tony)Endometeiosis & other hormones disrupted.Cancers——— leukaemias, nonhodgkins lymphoma, brain, breast, colon, lung, bladder, kidney, liver.For childhood cancers see the Knox report Jan 2005 and Perera report July 2004.Cancer incidence has reached some 80% of deaths in Pembroke downwind of oil complex.PROTECTION MEASURES.Campaign & pray for revival with return of morality.Take selected public health directors to GMC for breaches of duty & fraud.Move house to a less polluted zone.Install HEPA filter in home.Avoid pesticides and fluoridated water as much as possible as cocktail effects.Take added selenium, zinc, coenzyme Q10 and vitamins C & B6Public Health Directors have orders from the GMC to protect the public, know their subject, keep up to date, listen to patients and colleagues, and be prepared to justify every sentence of documents signed by them. The Public health director at Slough like many of his fellow directors are in breach of these rules, instead of signing warrant for unlawful killing.
Advisory council gives green light to incinerator
South China Morning Post – 31 Dec. 2011
Residents and environmentalists opposing the construction of a super incinerator off Lantau have been dealt a blow after the government’s environmental advisory body officially endorsed the plan yesterday.
However, the endorsement has fuelled momentum for a looming legal challenge against the massive project to be built on 16 hectares of reclaimed land at Shek Kwu Chau, an island south of Lantau that for many years has housed a drug rehabilitation centre.
A retired solicitor and Lantau Island restaurant owner yesterday said he would seek a judicial review of the decision if the government continued to push ahead with their original plan to build the incinerator, which will be able to process 3,000 tonnes of rubbish a day.
The threat came as the Advisory Council on the Environment yesterday approved the multibillion-dollar project at a meeting yesterday, which means the authorities can proceed with the project if funding is approved by the Legislative Council.
As the meeting took place, about 50 opponents of the project staged a noisy protest outside.
It was the second attempt by the Environmental Protection Department to push through the project in the advisory body, after sidelining it during a court case relating to the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge project earlier this year.
Environmentalists and other opponents to the project say the super incinerator, as one of the largest and most expensive of its kind in the world, is not the best option for waste management and would pose a threat to marine life in the area. The project will cost between HK$8 billion and HK$13 billion.
Eddie Tse, a member of the alliance opposing the incinerator, criticised the advisory council yesterday for hastily approving the project at a closed-door meeting.
Following the endorsement, which includes an option to build the facility in Tuen Mun, the EPD will finalise the plan and table it in the Legislative Council to seek funding.
Advisory council member Tsang Kam-lam said yesterday that the environmental assessment report so far had shown that the project would not harm its surroundings. He also admitted that some members preferred Tuen Mun as a location.
Tom Hope, who manages a restaurant at Cheung Sha Beach, said yesterday he and others would launch a judicial review if the government proceeds with the incinerator on the grounds that it has not adequately explored the best technology for waste management.
Hope yesterday sent a formal notice to the Secretary for Environment Edward Yau Tang-wah, Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen and members of the advisory council.
The Environmental Protection Department declined to comment on any legal challenge.
David Williams, 6, from Lantau, reads protesters’ banners opposing the planned rubbish incinerator at Shek Kwu Chau.