Clear the Air says:
Maybe, someone should ask Tommy Cheung ($20 Cheung) when we can expect his predicted demise to hit the catering industry ? – and why do they continue to elect him to oppose their best interests since his decisions always oppose their interests ?
The same way Cheung predicted doom and gloom for the catering industry when the anti smoking laws in the workplace were finally passed that he had opposed for 6 years ? Since then the restaurant and catering industry has never been better – FACT. Check the Census and Statistics Department figures.
It’s time the riff raff were voted out from Legco and replaced with people who are actually interested in serving the best interests of the people of Hong Kong rather than the political party funders from big business that pull their puppet strings in return for the undisclosed and hidden secret funding.
HK minimum wage law brought more benefits than problems — so far
By Elmer W. Cagape Nov 19, 2011 12:13PM UTC
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Contrary to what some business owners fear, the introduction of minimum wage law in Hong Kong didn’t seem to hit hard the industries mostly affected by the standardization of wage floor. Minimum hourly wage was set at HK$28 since May and employers have expressed fears it could bring more unemployment and business closures.
Instead, lowest paid workers have the wage law to thank for. That’s because since the new hourly rate was implemented in May, those who belong in the bottom end of the payscale enjoyed increases in their monthly paychecks. This is not really surprising if they used to get paid much lower before.
The findings come from a survey conducted by the People’s Alliance for Minimum Wage, which asked 519 workers in September about their wages. The survey found out that workers in the catering industry benefited the most. Caterings and Hotels Industries Employees Union president Lee Wan-lung said that a dish washer in Hong Kong can earn up to HK$8,500 a month. Before the minimum wage low, its salary is not expected to go beyond HK$5,000.
However, it seems that wage hike is not enough. The survey also found out that some workers in the said industry preferred to move into other jobs that were perceived easier to carry out such as cleaners or security personnel. Being in the catering industry requires working at unusual hours; one to start early in the morning or leave work past midnight. Restaurants in the city needed 200,000 workers to function and with some employees leaving the industry, bringing in qualified workers often required higher salary offers.
While the increase benefited mostly those who were the lowest paid, workers who belong to the middle payscale barely had any positive salary adjustment. That said, claims by employers of a widespread unemployment should minimum wage be implemented is largely unfounded; Hong Kong’s jobless rate currently stands at 3.2 per cent, a 13-year low.
Somehow, the introduction of minimum wage law boosts the buying power of those who earn a little now that the city is facing inflation rates at unprecedented levels. For instance, cleaners’ salary rose by 23.7 per cent and security guards had pay rise of 7.8 per cent to meet the mandatory wage standard.
Although rising wages becomes an increasing concern, employers still think higher prices of ingredients and soaring rents are still the primary concerns.