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October 3rd, 2011:

Hong Kong has one of the highest roadside PM2.5 levels in the world.

“Exposure to PM _2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5) over a few hours to weeks can trigger cardiovascular disease–related mortality and nonfatal events;

longer-term exposure (eg, a few years) increases the risk for cardiovascular mortality to an even greater extent than exposures over a few days and r

educes life expectancy within more highly exposed segments of the population by several months to a few years;

reductions in PM levels are associated with decreases in cardiovascular mortality within a time frame as short as a few years; and many credible

pathological mechanisms have been elucidated that lend biological plausibility to these findings. It is the opinion of the

writing group that the overall evidence is consistent with a causal relationship between PM2.5 exposure and

cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. This body of evidence has grown and been strengthened substantially since the

first American Heart Association scientific statement was published. Finally, PM2.5 exposure is deemed a modifiable

factor that contributes to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. (Circulation. 2010;121:2331-2378.)”

Download PDF : 2331.full

Episodic Exposure to Fine Particulate Air Pollution Decreases Circulating Levels of Endothelial Progenitor Cells

Acute and chronic exposure to elevated levels of fine airborne
particulate matter (PM) is associated with an increase in the
incidence of adverse cardiovascular events,1,2 atherogenesis, cardiovascular
disease (CVD) risk, and cardiovascular mortality. In urban
environments, fine PM (PM with aerodynamic diameter of
2.5 m [PM2.5]) is generated mostly by fossil fuel combustion in
automobiles or by industrial processes. Although several mechanisms
have been proposed to account for the link between PM
exposure and CVD risk, endothelial dysfunction has emerged as a
key feature of PM toxicity. Inhalation of concentrated PM2.5
induces acute conduit artery vasoconstriction in humans and chronic
deficits in endothelium-mediated vasodilation in mice.1,2
The adult endothelium is a differentiated cell layer that
provides a nonthrombotic interface between parenchymal cells
and peripheral blood. Defects in its function arise because of the
upregulated expression of proinflammatory and prothrombotic molecules
or from defective, endogenous repair capacity. Evidence
from multiple studies suggests that the endothelium is continuall

Acute and chronic exposure to elevated levels of fine airborneparticulate matter (PM) is associated with an increase in theincidence of adverse cardiovascular events,1,2 atherogenesis, cardiovasculardisease (CVD) risk, and cardiovascular mortality. In urbanenvironments, fine PM (PM with aerodynamic diameter of2.5 m [PM2.5]) is generated mostly by fossil fuel combustion inautomobiles or by industrial processes. Although several mechanismshave been proposed to account for the link between PMexposure and CVD risk, endothelial dysfunction has emerged as akey feature of PM toxicity. Inhalation of concentrated PM2.5induces acute conduit artery vasoconstriction in humans and chronicdeficits in endothelium-mediated vasodilation in mice.1,2The adult endothelium is a differentiated cell layer thatprovides a nonthrombotic interface between parenchymal cellsand peripheral blood. Defects in its function arise because of theupregulated expression of proinflammatory and prothrombotic moleculesor from defective, endogenous repair capacity. Evidencefrom multiple studies suggests that the endothelium is continuall ……

Download PDF : 200.full

Beware the Air! : Why Particulate Matter Matters

The “Six Cities Study,” as it is affectionately known by
epidemiologists, was published in 1993. This landmark
study laid the groundwork for an association between ambient
air particulate matter (ie, fine particulate matter [PM] or
PM2.5 [particulate matter of 2.5 m aerodynamic diameter or
less]) and the risk of all cause mortality in the United States.1
Simply put, the message of the study was: “Air pollution
kills.” Since then, a steady stream of studies has grown into
a river of reports that collectively have swelled the banks of
this initial association and have further specified that ischemic
heart disease (cardiovascular disease [CVD]) is the
single-most abundant cause of morbidity and mortality in this
association.2–4 Analysis of more than 100 studies (100
million people in 119 cities in the United States and Europe)
show that for each 10 g/m3 acute or chronic increase in
PM2.5, there is a significant increase in relative risk of
cardiovascular mortality (chronic relative risk, 1.06 to 1.76),
indicating that PM, even at ambient levels, has negative
health consequences.4 Moreover, chronic exposure to each 10
g/m3 PM2.5 increase is associated with a 4 to 6%increase in
CVD deaths, which translates to 800 000 deaths annually in
the world (according to the World Health Organization),
making PM exposure the 13th leading cause of CVD deaths4
and, thus, deserving of urgent scientific and social attention.
Currently, researchers in the field of environmental cardiology5
are addressing at least 1 of 2 major unanswered questions
regarding this association: (1) What constituent of inhaled PM2.5
is responsible for the association?; and (2) What is the mechanism
by which inhaled PM2.5 can specifically affect cardiovascular
disease risk?
In this issue of

The “Six Cities Study,” as it is affectionately known byepidemiologists, was published in 1993. This landmarkstudy laid the groundwork for an association between ambientair particulate matter (ie, fine particulate matter [PM] orPM2.5 [particulate matter of 2.5 m aerodynamic diameter orless]) and the risk of all cause mortality in the United States.1Simply put, the message of the study was: “Air pollutionkills.” Since then, a steady stream of studies has grown intoa river of reports that collectively have swelled the banks ofthis initial association and have further specified that ischemicheart disease (cardiovascular disease [CVD]) is thesingle-most abundant cause of morbidity and mortality in thisassociation.2–4 Analysis of more than 100 studies (100million people in 119 cities in the United States and Europe)show that for each 10 g/m3 acute or chronic increase inPM2.5, there is a significant increase in relative risk ofcardiovascular mortality (chronic relative risk, 1.06 to 1.76),indicating that PM, even at ambient levels, has negativehealth consequences.4 Moreover, chronic exposure to each 10g/m3 PM2.5 increase is associated with a 4 to 6%increase inCVD deaths, which translates to 800 000 deaths annually inthe world (according to the World Health Organization),making PM exposure the 13th leading cause of CVD deaths4and, thus, deserving of urgent scientific and social attention.Currently, researchers in the field of environmental cardiology5are addressing at least 1 of 2 major unanswered questionsregarding this association: (1) What constituent of inhaled PM2.5is responsible for the association?; and (2) What is the mechanismby which inhaled PM2.5 can specifically affect cardiovasculardisease risk?

Download PDF : 644.full

Lockheed Stratoliner: Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It’s both… and pollution free too

Description: Lockheed Stratoliner: Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It’s both... and pollution free too

Photo: William Brown/courtesy of Tuvie

A British designer has shared a concept for a hydrogen-powered commercial jet that can fly any distance non-stop, after taking inspiration from a bird that makes the longest non-stop migratory flight in the world.

Description: The Lockheed Stratoliner concept aircraft and its bird-like design is based on the bar-tailed Godwit

The concept plane’s wings are inspired by the Bar-tailed Godwit – birds known to fly the longest routes without feeding or drinking.

The Lockheed Stratoliner concept aircraft and its bird-like design is based on the Bar-tailed Godwit: a long-billed wading bird that makes the 11,500km (7,145 mile) journey from its breeding ground in Alaska to New Zealand without the need to feed or drink.

Designer, William Brown says the Stratoliner’s oversized wings would generate large amounts of lift and allow the plane to fly at higher altitudes. It would be powered by four Cryogenic Hydrogen Turbofan engines, which would produce no pollution and use less fuel.

Brown’s work was unveiled on ‘Tuvie’ – a website that encourages users to submit a futuristic design or concept for publication.

Description: Lockhead stratosphere bird plane

Lockheed Stratoliner fact box: Click image to enlarge

The beaked concept plane may be impractical but it pushes the envelope of what passenger air travel could be like in future and how planes might be powered, as the airline industry continues to develop greener alternatives to fossil fuels.

In reality, research so far has shown that hydrogen – once seen as a potential super fuel for powering tomorrow’s passenger jets – has not proven itself to be any greener than other energy sources. Scientists also point to the high energy costs to produce the highly flammable fuel.


Photo: William Brown/courtesy of Tuvie

Hydrogen-powered planes

In 2000, Airbus was involved in a European Union funded Cryoplane Project to assess the feasibility of hydrogen, in a bid to develop a zero carbon-emissions aircraft of the future.

Researchers found that planes would require fuel tanks four times larger than today’s to run the fuel, which would increase energy consumption by up to 14 percent and operating costs by 4 to 5 percent. Experts say other challenges include the ability to produce hydrogen in large enough volumes to fuel the airline industry and in an environmentally friendly way.

The airline industry has changed its focus to developing a sustainable supply chain for aviation biofuels and continues to press ahead with tests for fuels powered by algae, jatropha and camelina crops individually or blended with regular jet fuel (kerosene).

In June, KLM launched the world’s first scheduled biofueled flight, which flew 171 passengers between Amsterdam and Paris using kerosene mixed with recycled cooking oil.

While Boeing continues to research the potential of liquid hydrogen for unmanned aircraft. The plane maker expects to fly its Phantom Eye unmanned aircraft – which will be fully fuelled with liquid hydrogen – by early November. The flight is expected to demonstrate the aircraft’s capability of flying at 65,000 feet for four days without refuelling.