LegCo Presentation:
Feb 2006 – Tamar canyon effect – Dr. Jimmy Fung
Air pollution numbers wrong and canyon effect not considered
November 30, 2005
TO: Panel on Planning, Lands and Works – Special Meeting 17 Dec, 2005 – Tamar
Fax: 2869-6794
email: cshiu@legco.gov.hk
Honorable Chair and Members,
We ask that you not accept anything from the Government regarding the Tamar site until the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for CRIII is updated with recent, actual air pollution data using a proper model that includes the “canyon effect” of our buildings in trapping air pollution.
We note the following regarding the results of the Environmental Impact Assessment shown to you in 2001.
- The predictions were wrong – the Environmental Impact Assessment is no longer valid
- The model used in the Environmental Impact Assessment assumes Central is a flat surface
- There is no urgency. There is time to do a new report properly with current data and the correct model (estimated 3 months and $300,000)
Comparison of predicted and actual 24-hour Average Respiratory Suspended Paticles (RSP)
* Environmental Impact Assessment (July 2001) supported by Urbis Limited, Babtie BMT Harris & Sutherland Regards
** Data from Environmental Protection Department Central roadside air pollution monitoring station 2003
Annelise Connell
Vice Chairman , Clear the Air
South China Morning Post – Sunday November 20 2005 – Tamar pollution prediction ‘far too low’