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March 22nd, 2010:

U.N. to examine panel’s global-warming report

global-warming-orlyFirst published: March 15, 2010

Source: One News Now

The United Nations says it will initiate an investigation into the practices of its climate change panel.

The secretary general of the United Nations says the InterAcademy, a multinational organization of the world’s science academies, will pick a panel of experts to take a thorough look at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Several mistakes were found in the IPCC’s 2007 report, including an exaggerated account of how quickly the Himalayan glaciers are melting.

IPCC likely to backtrack on claim that global warming will destroy rainforests

backpedalingFirst published: March 15, 2010

Source: The Times of India

The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is the world’s leading climate change group, is expected to backtrack over its claims about how rainforests would be devastated by rising temperatures, as one of its own scientists has said that the claim is “totally wrong”.

According to a report in the Express, the latest embarrassment for the IPCC relates to a claim in a 2007 report that estimates up to 40 per cent of the Amazonian rainforest could be lost by even a “slight reduction” in rainfall.

But, a study of the region in 2005 when rainfall was at its lowest in living memory has contradicted the figures.

Bad atmosphere

bad-airLast updated: March 16, 2010

Source: South China Morning Post

Life has not been the same since my meeting on Friday with indoor air consultant George Woo. I had always thought of air pollution in terms of grey skies, cross-harbour visibility and diesel fumes. The roadside readings are bad today, so I must stay off the streets as much as possible, my subconscious would tell me. Horror of horrors: I just learned that sitting at an office desk – what most of us do for our working day – can be as bad, perhaps worse, for our health.

Woo has been campaigning for five years to get people to think about pollution in this way. I phoned him after a friend, just diagnosed with allergic bronchitis, wondered whether his cough and itchy eyes could have something to do with the quality of air in his office on Hong Kong Island. The irritations seemed to be worse at peak traffic times. Then my friend smuggled the specialist, his assistant and two pieces of hand-held equipment into the building at 6.30pm for an hour of tests.